Interview MRSA


Interview with  Dean Corpse singer of   MRSA Old School Death Metal Band with Punk influences and dose of Horror from Florida US

1. Can you tell us about your childhood ? Do you remember when you first came into contact with loud music and what were your first concerts ?

I grew up in New Jersey and there use to be a place called Mickey’s music. It was small mom and pop store on a corner. They would always have these awesome posters for all these metal bands. Iron Maiden, Van Halen, Ozzy, etc. I was always a huge Twisted Sister fan so that and Dream Warriors by Dokken lead me down the path to heavier music. 

2. Can you describe the local scene where you grew up, what bands and venues were important to you and can you share some of your greatest memories about these bands/places ? 

I’m gonna sound like an old man here. But South Florida, or Florida in general was a Mecca for metal bands. I remember Marilyn Manson when it was just a local act. There was Malevolent Creation, Collapsing lungs, Raped Ape. It was a time capsule of awesomeness. It didn’t matter who was playing everyone was there. Hundreds of people would just show up. By the time I had a band the scene started to slow down. Then there would be a struggle in the early 2000’s. It still was an amazing time and made a ton of friends in the scene. 

Bounce to now, where I believe the camaraderie is much more apparent. Everyone roots for each others band, as oppose to somewhat back in the day, everyone was more or less in competition. 

Places I miss and have the fondest memories was two places. Both no longer there. Happy Days. Which hosted so many local bands at the time. Spanky’s was the bigger place that we eventually had to move to due to size of audience. Both places treated and respected the people in the bands and always were willing to help and be a home to the local scene. 

3. Did anyone play in any bands before MRSA ? If so, can you tell us something about them? Were there any releases? Can you share some good memories about those bands ?

I was in several bands previous to this band. Most notable was a thrash band called CYST. I played bass.  We were a thrash metal band. We played around did Milwaukee metal fest. Played with Slayer and Hatebreed. It was a fun time. Just didn’t think the kids were into that kinda metal in those days. It’s when new metal popped and that was all the craze and no one wanted to hear a band who sounds like Slayer. 

My other band was MURDER SUICIDE. That was the first band I sang for. It had Jason Blackowitz of Malevolent Creation/ Divine Empire. 

The other memebers. Joe (guitar) and Brett (drums) they played in a band called MASTICATOR. Which features now current guitar player Mike Dickson from the band POON TICKLER. Mike was also a former member of MRSA. His guitar work is all over our ep HEAVIER. 



Joe, Brett and Johnny (bass player) are currently in band called STRAIGHT JACKET. Which is a punk band. They will be releasing that album on 4/20!  


4. How did you come up with the band name MRSA , do you describe your musical style ? And can you tell us briefly the history of your band’s creation ?

Unfortunately I can’t answer all the questions, cause I am not an original member. The band was officially started in 2014 as a band that they always wanted to do death infused punk to horror themes. I guess over the years that went as far as they could then they got them singer Ken Hays. He performed all vocal duties on our first ep “BIOGRAPHY OF MADNESS”. After Ken quit the band to pursue other stuff they contacted me. First several times we played we did a normal set with just us, no theatrics. That didn’t come till our Halloween show in 2022. Which became a huge hit in the local scene. 

Our style is a mix of a lot of things and inspirations. But mostly old school death metal where if the riff doesn’t shred then the hook from the vocals will. 

5. Why did you want to play this genre ? Who or what inspires you to write songs. What bands have inspired you the most ?

I always been a fan of death metal. I first heard Deicide’s LEGION and became obsessed with them. Hence my vocals have a very Glen Benton approach. I like the clarity and the ability to understand the words and making it as mean as possible. 

All kinds of music inspire. My theory as a writer is to always have a hook. You can be as fast as you want, as technical as want, but in the end if there’s no hook where is the song? I want people to remember what they heard. I want them to hum it. I want to yell back me a super catchy part. 


6. You are working hard on a new album, 10 new songs. will be recorded at CDN Records. Can you tell us something about your upcoming new album, and your song “Redrum” ?

The album has been in works for a while now. We are just finishing guitars. We lost our old guitar player and had to obtain a new one, his name is Cory Bickford. He’s great! He’s bringing so much style to the album. So it’s been a process, but moving along. Hopefully we can release it sooner rather than later. The album will called HORRIFIER! 

The album will feature 11 new songs. Each song based on an old school horror film. From songs about Freddy, NEVER SLEEP AGAIN to Leatherface, SAVAGE FEAST, even the shortest song we ever wrote clocking in a 34 seconds, LEPRECHAUN!! I can’t wait for everyone to get a taste of what we done. We should have a video out for CRYSTAL LAKE soon. That song will be featured on this album as well, but slightly different then the last ep we recorded. 

REDRUM is actually an older song off the BIOGRAPHY ep. That one we might play live eventually again. But we might focus on more the newer stuff. 

7. Which places to play were important to you and why ? 

Places we love to play would be PROPAGANDA, CULTURE ROOM and RESPECTABLES. 

Great sound and lighting. Best of both worlds. Except Propaganda. That’s more of a home town place to play. Still fun. 

8. What was your Weirdest show you’ve ever played and why ? feel free to mention more than one, and don’t hold back on the details ?

We played on a floor in a place called Black Flamingo. It’s a brewery. So the floor was kinda slick and I stepped off the carpet that was the “stage” area. The floor was soaked in beer from kids dancing and I slipped and couldn’t get back up. Someone literally had to help me up.  Couldn’t get my footing. 

9. What is l MRSA – Horror Show like? What can somebody expect when they go to one of your concerts ? 

Expect the unexpected you never know what’s gonna happen. We guarantee you’ll have a blast no matter what. You might even get a little dirty. 

10. Are there other types of music you would like to play with a band ?

Nah, if anything join a cover band and actually make money. lol 

11. Which Festivals would you still like to play ,and Which festivals do you have the best memories ? 

Milwaukee metal fest will be the best experience we had so far for sure. Jamie and his crew really stepped up to the plate and took care of everyone. Tampa bay fest was another fun one. 

12. How can fans and future fans locate, ,listen to and buy your music & merchandise .  Is there anything else you would like your fans to know ?

Instagram seems to be the most active for us. I’m usually on there everyday. Answering questions or interacting with people. We have our stuff on Apple Music,  Spotify. We have a linktree set up on our insta. Also is up and running.  

13. What were your best moments in 2023 as a band ? And are your plans for the future ? 

Highlights were playing Milwaukee metal fest, opening for SOULFLY. Being one of the bands to perform with OBITUARY. 

We have a lot more in store. Some of it we can’t talk about yet cause it’s not announced. But if you follow us on our socials you’ll get all the info as soon as it comes available. 

14. These were the questions, thank you for taking part in this interview and all the best to you and your band! Something to add yourself ?

thank you for this opportunity and speaking with us. I hope the best. 




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