Interview KAMIZOL-K


Interview with Kevin of Metal / Hardcore Band from Lion France KAMIZOL-K 

1. Can you tell us about your childhood? Do you remember when you first came into contact with loud music and what were your first concerts ?

My brother (Lionel singer) and I (Kevin guitarist) grew up together and we used to influence each other with music. we were into extreme metal especially Death and Black Metal. The first concerts we experienced were black metal local bands.

2. can you describe the local scene where you grew up, what bands and venues were important to you and can you share some of your greatest memories about these bands/places ? 

The local scene here in Lyon was very underground. there were Thrash Death Metal band like Blackness or Swedish death metal style like Destinity that are still existing and playing after all those years. They were playing in small bars or places we used to hang out at the weekend. So we felt like we were a part of those bands somehow. that’s a great memory!

3. Did anyone play in any bands before Kamizol K ? If so, can you tell us something about them? Were there any releases? Can you share some good memories about those bands ?

My bro and I made a black metal project but we never released anything coze it was definitely hard to record when you don’t have the good equipments for.

Nicolas (bassist) played in HxC bands called “Sons of Saturn” and “Edge of the Fall”.

anthony (drummer) was more into extreme technical death metal. He played for “Destinity”, “Fleshdoll”, “Kronos”, “benighted” and “Carnage of children”

4. How did you come up with the band name Kamizol K, do you describe your musical style? and can you briefly tell us the history of your band’s creation ?

It really started in 2016 when Gaetan (guitarist and also my bro in law), Nico (bassist), Marie (singer) and the first drummer Arnaud joined the band. The name Kamizol means straightjacket and the K was referring to a Key. we kept that name coze it was interesting to have this psychological theme to explore. It gives a lot of possibilities. I think Kamizol-k is a kind cocktail of many styles, but we describe the band as Hardcore Metal band. we really try to mix the groove of hardcore and the powerfull riffs of thrash metal.

5. Why did you want to play this genre? Who or what inspires you to write songs. What bands have inspired you the most ?

For myself (Kevin) I got into hardcore very lately. but I really enjoyed the party that you can find in the pit. So in a sense I think I got influenced by the whole style of it more about the mood that it brings to people than really a specific band. but of course all the classic of Hxc like Terror or Hatebreed, or the new generation of HxC like Knocked Loose are sources of inspiration. What we try to generate with Kamizol-K is the energy that those bands give.

6.  can you tell us more about your new single “Nothing can stop me” Recorded at 8 Paths Studio ? We can expect more new music ?

“Nothing can stop me” is a darker version of Kamizol-K. I mean we tried to give something very powerful and straight to the point. it was recorded by Thibault from Convulsound Production we have a very good feeling with. Julien from 8 Paths Studio is the one who makes the video of the track that you can find on youtube. Julien is the one who makes our music in pictures and gives soul to the song. we work together on the synopsis and try to make a film describing what we talk about in the song. 

This video is the second part from the previous clip “Stand Up”. 

It talks about a girl (role played by Alicia Ghazi) who were abducted in a strange hospital where some doctors were doing experiments on her. In the song “Nothing can stop me”, she finds the strength to escape from this hospital and fight for her freedom. but in the end, she is torn by her innocence and craziness.

7. Which places to play were important to you and why ? 

Last year we had the chance to win the challenge “The Voice Of Hell” that allowed us to play on the Hellfest wonderful stage: “Warzone”. 

warzone has something special there, even when there is nothing playing on stage you like to stay there hanging out as if something is going to happen. So it was amazing to reach that kind of stage in front of so many people, when years before we were into the crowd. but we also enjoy very much every shows that we had the chance to play at. We are very lucky and grateful to be able to play and share our music everywhere with people. 

8. What was your Weirdest show you’ve ever played and why? feel free to mention more than one, and don’t hold back on the details ?

As I said before playing at Hellfest was unbelievable for a band like us who do everything by itself, and it was a super experience. its one of the biggest festival in Europe and we had the chance to be the first band playing on this stage in 2023. That was a little bit scary to see the crowd! they were so many! But once you start playing and see that people are getting crazy, you get back in what you are here for: 

playing for people, and sharing this moment with them. We enjoyed every second we were on stage.

We played at Plan R Fest in July at 3pm. It was super hot but people were here having fun with us! it was amazing. after the show from 4pm to 7pm people were coming at the merch place for talking with us, congratulating us, having time with us, buying our stuffs and so. We were so amazed by all this positive energy they were giving to us. We were gathering, drinking, talking and sharing our personal stories. it was unbelievable

9. What is l Kamizol K-  Show like? What can somebody expect when they go to one of your concerts ? 

I think a Kamizol-K show looks like a big sharing positive party! what we like the most is to have this relationship with any people of the audience during the show. we also like to invite every people on stage. When people get on stage, you can clearly see that they are having a special time. It feels like a big family and we love that! 

Come to see us and be a part of this family! Have fun on stage with us! just do whatever you want on stage with us because it’s also your time. I think Kamizol-K’s time is definitely YOUR time!

10. Are there other types of music you would like to play with a band ?

(Kevin) I have some solo project like Grind or black but its more for the fun of it. but Kamizol-K takes a lot of time and a lot of energy. I couldn’t be in another project like Kamizol-K.

11. Which Festivals would you still like to play, and Which festivals do you have the best memories ? 

If we could reach Motocultor festival or Metal Days fest it would be fucking great! and we are working hard for pushing the band to grow more. And who knows, maybe we can try to access other Hellfest stages why not! 

12. How can fans and future fans locate, listen to and buy your music & merchandise.  Is there anything else you would like your fans to know ?

you can find us on all social media (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube) of course but also on Bandcamp and all the streaming platforms like Spotify and Deezer. Just stay tuned because the best is yet to come! We have many surprises for you all for this 2024 year. so follow us, say it to your friends, share our songs. This band is also yours because without you, we wouldn’t be experiencing it like this. Be a part of the project and come to have fun with us!

13. What were your best moments in 2023 as a band? And are your plans for the future? 

2023 was a very good year for us! we had shows every months in festival. It was amazing to have the chance to play this much. For us it was like a tour lol. And we enjoyed every single show we played at! 

We also got invited by France Television to play one of our song on TV! it was strange and not very natural at the beginning but in the end it was a very good experience and we all had so much fun there! 

14. These were the questions, thank you for taking part in this interview and all the best to you and your band! Something to add yourself?

We want to thank all people who give us the chance to make what we like the most: Music! Metal is a big family and we feel it everytime we are on stage! we work hard to make Kamizol-K bigger but we want to thank all organizations that make us play, media like yours that give us the chance to talk about our passion! Everyone is working hard for spreading Metal everywhere! and it’s good! We need more metal in our lives, we want more metal concerts. so thank you all for all this positive energy that you give in your passion. And of course we give a very special thank you to all the fans and people who support and share our music! Thank you guys and we will meet on stage soon!



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