Interview with Old School Thrash Metal band from La Paz, Bolivia 🇧🇴. PHRONEXIS 

Alvin Phronexis: Vocals, Guitars
Kevin Valencia: Guitars
Tavo Marquez: Bass
Mau Zuro: Drums

1. Can you tell us about your childhood ? Do you remember when you first came into contact with loud music and what were your first concerts ?

I had a beautiful childhood, I remember it with great fondness. Life was much simpler, and I didn’t have to worry about anything significantly important. I spent my time playing video games, and that’s where my passion for music was born. The soundtracks of classic video games accompanied me during my formative years. When I was young, I was very shy and didn’t go out much. My first concert was at the age of 14, watching three local bands from my scene: Azotador, Brainwashed, and Genetic Infection (in which I later became the vocalist), all three Thrash Metal bands. I started playing electric guitar at the age of 13, and the first bands that introduced me to metal/rock ‘n’ roll were AC/DC, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Metallica, Motorhead, etc… 

2. Can you describe the local scene where you grew up, what bands and venues were important to you and can you share some of your greatest memories about these bands/places ? 

The local scene in my country is small compared to other countries in Latin America. I’m from Bolivia, specifically from the city of La Paz. Initially, the first shows that I went took place in pubs like La Manzana 2, Live Buzz, Hells Bells, and there were very important events like La Juntucha, Megafest, and the most important of all: Illimani Metal Fest, the biggest metal festival in Bolivia. I was fortunate to play at this festival, and it was the most crowded performance I had. I was only 16 years old at that time, and I believe the scene was at its peak; there were many emerging bands and more support from the audience.

Currently, we are moving more in the city of El Alto because the La Paz scene has been shrinking. El Alto is a city within La Paz that is further away from my home and generally more difficult to access. It is known as the highest city in the world and is one of the most dangerous places in Latin America. The best place in El Alto is Subterránea, an event venue that supports many Bolivian and foreign bands. This is where we have performed the most\

Some of the bands I like from my scene are the next:

Black Mass Legacy, Bestia, Asfixia, Deterioro, Azotador, Incidence, Thrashmaniacs, Return of Violence (Piramide actualmente), Nuke Danger, Blackened, Genetic Infection, Brainwashed, Lilith, Supressor, Indignación, Exord, Nekromorbido, Nekromanteion, Psiconauta, Explosive, Horror Cósmico, Vulcanizer, SOS, Tres Veces Muerto, A Palazos y Piedras, Al Weso (Half Bolivian / Half Chilean), Falln Angel, Walking Infected, Subvertor, Heresiarcas, Deskiciado, Kulto Maldito, Putryphemus, Presagio, Corporal Jigsore, Black Candles, Blood Rituals, Metalmorfosis, Leon Heraldico, Worship The Pestilence (no longer a bolivian band), Genocidio Maniaco, Bestial Holocaust, Mortuario, Blackrow, Talion, Raxik, Headbangers, Obfuscator (Blackened Thrash), Undead, Deformación Máxima, Electro-Violence, Anikilacion, Deskiciado, M-16, SOS, Toxic Violence, Trueno Metálico, Nación, Lulu, and long etc…

3. Did anyone play in any bands before Phronexis ? If so, can you tell us something about them? Were there any releases? Can you share some good memories about those bands ?

Yes, I, Alvin (vocalist and guitarist), have played with the following bands: Phronexis, Genetic Infection, Bestia, Black Mass Legacy, Asfixia, Deterioro, Incidence, and Nuked (my first band). 

Guitarist Carlos “Doom” has played in Raxik, Wasthrash, T.D.S, and Satured Disolution. Drummer 

Gonta (the drummer) has played in Deskiciado, Asfixia, En Guardia, Bestia, etc. 

Our current bassist Josh is the vocalist and guitarist of Asfixia.

Our former bassists Kin and Dinko both are part of Azotador, and we remain great friends. Our former drummer Gabo Maconhard has been in many bands like Black Mass Legacy, Psiconauta, Thrashmaniacs, Acephaly, etc. 

Overall, the thrash metal scene has always been like this; there are few thrashers who continue in this, and we remain committed to the genre. I’ve had many experiences, trips with friends, funny stories; it would be too long to relate here, but I mainly want to dedicate this part to my brother Bernardo Antelo “Berny,” who was a great friend of the band and supported us from the beginning to the end. I played with him for several years in both Genetic Infection and Black Mass Legacy, and he contributed some ideas and drum arrangements for our first album “Pestiferous”; unfortunately, he lost his battle with cancer not long ago. I also want to thank Miguel “Mickill” Arana as he was the band’s first drummer and also passed away a couple of years ago, but he helped kick-start the first performances. 

The friends and experiences that metal has given me are the most valuable things I have, and it’s great to see how music unites us so much despite our differences.

4. How did you come up with the band name Phronexis , do you describe your musical style ? And can you tell us briefly the history of your band’s creation ?

The band’s name is directly related to my passion for philosophy. Phronexis means mindfulness in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. This concept represents the practical wisdom. I was quite into philosophy back in 2016 and had the idea of creating Phronexis since I started playing guitar. Originally, I had a band called Nuked, which was founded in 2014. Initially, we only played covers of Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Toxic Holocaust. 

Later on, the band started working on the first songs that eventually became Phronexis’ debut tracks. The band split due to personal issues among the members, leading me to create a One Man Band that released its first demo in 2017. I managed to recruit live members to perform the songs between 2017 and 2018, but due to the instability of that lineup, there was a hiatus between 2019 and 2020. During this period, the band performed with backing tracks live, with only me (Alvin) on stage singing over background tracks.

In 2021, the band was resumed for live performances with a more stable lineup, which eventually led to the recording of the EP ‘Bodies Go Here’ in 2022. Currently, the band is in the process of releasing the album ‘Opulence of Metal,’ which features songs worked on and rearranged from the band’s origins, ranging from 2016 to the present day. Phronexis is a Thrash Metal band with a sound entirely oriented towards the old school. We have influences from Heavy/Speed/Black/Death Metal, with some of the energy of 80s hardcore punk.

5. Why did you want to play this genre ? Who or what inspires you to write songs. What bands have inspired you the most ?

I believe that Thrash Metal is the most honest musical genre that exists. It speaks about harsh realities that other empty genres dare not touch. It is not limited to a single theme; many topics can be explored. I consider Thrash Metal to be the purest evolution of classic rock ‘n’ roll. It’s an extreme genre, but it doesn’t lose its melody like more extreme genres do (though I also enjoy Black and Death, but I prefer Thrash). What inspires me to compose songs is my obsession with music. I’ve always been obsessive about things that I’m passionate about, and I love all classic metal. I constantly listen to bands that inspire me to compose and talk about topics that I’m passionate about or find interesting. The list is long, but there you got some of our influences: Dark Angel, Possessed, Sadus, Dyoxen, Nuclear Assault, Demolition Hammer, Paradox, Aspid, Dissection, Pestilence, Coroner, Bathory, Xentrix, Deathrow, Megadeth, Slammer, Heathen, Exodus, Mortal Sin, Death, Fallen Angel (Sweden), Explicit Hate, Devastation, Cancer, Angel Witch, Atheist, Revenant, Faff-Bey, Judas Priest, Mercyful Fate, Metallica, Motorhead,  Vio-lence, Kreator, Sarcofago, Agony, Sodom, Deathwish, Mezzrow, Phalanx, Forbidden, Destruction, Invocator, Sepultura, Medieval Steel, Candlemass, Fates Warning, Equinox, Watchtower, I.N.C., Stone, Airdash, Protector, Mottek, Mandator, Flotsam and Jetsam, Artillery, Intruder, English Dogs, Blaspheme, Cynic, Satan, Repulsion, Heavy Load, Apocalypse, Cyclone Temple, Mortal Sin, etc…

6. Can you tell us more about your upcoming new Album “Opulence Of Metal” and your new single “Speedomaniac” Recorded at Lion’s Roar Studios ?

“Opulence of Metal” is the name that encompasses the entire concept behind Phronexis’ second album. This metal odyssey contains 10 Old School Speed/Thrash Metal tracks in its more classic vein. The album will be released in its entirety in 2024.

La cancion Speedomaniac es la canciĂłn mas rápida que Phronexis ha hecho hasta la fecha y habla justamente de vivir un estilo de vida acelerado, del arte de tocar a la velocidad de la luz y de perseguir a los posers que tanto nos critican, en lo personal es uno de mis temas favoritos y el video fue grabado durante nuestra gira “Bodies Across Chile” creo que eso le da un valor extra debido a que nosotros somos muy apasionados con el metal chileno. 

The song ‘Speedomaniac’ is the fastest song Phronexis has made to date, and it’s about living a fast-paced lifestyle, the art of playing at the speed of light, and chasing after the posers who criticize us so much. Personally, it’s one of my favorite tracks, and the video was recorded during our tour ‘Bodies Across Chile.’ I think that gives it extra value because we are very passionate about Chilean metal. We like a lot of bands from Chile. 

7. Which places to play were important to you and why ? 

“The most important places were in other countries, mainly the performance I had in the United States in 2023. The entire show is recorded on YouTube:

This was a historic moment; only two metal bands from Bolivia have ever played in the United States, the first being Azotador and the second Phronexis. The reception from the people was very good and allowed me to experience a very different reality from my own.

Also when we opened for Toxic Holocaust, it was a dream come true, that band influenced me a lot since I was 14:

The same thing happened when we went to Chile; the scene there is incredibly good. The bands have a sound reminiscent of the old school, and I believe there is a lot of potential. In total, we had 5 dates there, including cities like Valparaiso, Rancagua, and Santiago. I consider the best date to be the one we had at Okulto Park:

8. What was your Weirdest show you’ve ever played and why? feel free to mention more than one, and don’t hold back on the details ?

In general, we didn’t have a very extravagant show. As always, there are drunks who end up dirtying the floor with their beers or sometimes even vomiting. I saw a lot of excess and decadence after our gigs.

9. What is l Phronexis Show like ? What can somebody expect when they go to one of your concerts ? 

I think it’s difficult to define, but what I can tell you is that in every show, we play with the same passion no matter if there are 5 or 100 people. We always try to give our best on stage; that’s how the underground should be.

10. Are there other types of music you would like to play with a band ?

“We almost exclusively listen to metal, although we do appreciate other genres such as classical music, blues, jazz, bluegrass, flamenco, etc… In general, everything derives from classical music. We only play metal.

11. Which Festivals would you still like to play, and Which festivals do you have the best memories ? 

I’ve never been to a big festival as such. I would love to go to something like Hellfest or Wacken Open Air, but because I live in a country far from these types of festivals, it’s difficult. Maybe I could aspire to something like Santiago Metal Fest or Rock Al Parque.

12. How can fans and future fans locate, ,listen to and buy your music & merchandise . Is there anything else you would like your fans to know ?

All our music is available on streaming platforms; you can find us simply as Phronexis. You can buy the digital material through our Bandcamp, and if you want physical material, it will depend a lot on the region where you live, as shipping from Bolivia is a complicated task.

13. What were your best moments in 2023 as a band ? And are your plans for the future ? 

I believe the performance in the United States, as I mentioned earlier, and our future plans include our tour in Bolivia with Mayhemic and Deviants, which starts in July. We also have a standalone performance in Mexico City in June, and we will focus on promoting our album ‘Opulence of Metal’.

14. These were the questions, thank you for taking part in this interview and all the best to you and your band! Something to add yourself ?

I have nothing more to add. Thank you very much for your interest in my band and the contribution you make to the underground scene. It is sincerely appreciated, Frank.. 

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